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Athletic Training Room Hours


Athletic Training Room Hours of Operation

We will function out of the South Athletic Training Room during morning hours!

 Monday - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm - Lauren 

Tuesday - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm - Ryan

Wednesday - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm - Maeve

Thursday - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm - Dan

Friday -  No morning hours


All afternoon treatments begin at 2:30 pm in the South Athletic Training Room


The South Athletic Training Room is located G222 in the Phys Ed wing of the High School.

The North Athletic Training Room is located in the North/Delta building. Enter through the main doors, head towards the pool and down the hallway through the double doors and take a right.

Things to Know

→Athletic Training Rooms close at the completion of events/games

→Practices that continue or are scheduled after 7:00 pm will not be covered

→Practices that are scheduled on Saturday or Sunday will not be covered

→Athletic Training Rooms may close during the afternoon due to athletic event coverage 

→Please contact your assigned Athletic Trainer for updates 

→The Athletic Training room hours of operation are subject to change,

in the event of early school dismissals, delayed school openings, school cancelations, and holidays

→Athletes are permitted to visit the South Athletic Training Room during study halls, leaving class to come and see us is strictly prohibited!