Welcome Picnic
All Girls XC Athletes and Families are invited to the Welcome Picnic
When: Thursday, August 15, 2019
Time: 6:30 pm- 8:00 pm This is a new start time.
Where: State High South Cafeteria This is a new location due to potential storms in the area.
What to bring: Gluten free and nut free items are appreciated.
- Seniors - Dessert
- Juniors - Side Dish, Salad, or Fruit
- Sophomores & Freshmen - Main Dish
- Booster Club will provide drinks, paper products, and flatware
Please label your container/serving utensils with your name so they can be properly returned. If you could indicate if your item is nut free or gluten free that would be wonderful.
Why: The picnic is a great opportunity to meet other athletes, families, coaches, and booster club officers. Coach Rebecca Donaghue will introduce the coaching staff and the athletes as well as providing season information.
If you have not already paid your booster club dues, please bring your checkbook to join. $40 for 1 runner, $60 for 2 or more runners. Checks made out to State College Girls XC Booster Club.
Please complete the online booster club form.
We look forward to seeing you at the picnic.