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Booster Club Guidelines

The State College Area School District Board of School Directors accepts the concept of cooperation, encouragement and support given by approved Booster Organizations to the school district's various PIAA-affiliated interscholastic athletics programs.

The Board further recognizes and declares that the role of an approved Booster Group is to assist and support but not to direct, interfere with, nor supplant the staff, existing facilities or athletics programs of the school district.  It must be clearly understood by all booster club members that all school district sponsored activities are under the control, direction and supervision of the Board of School Directors through its building principals and their designee, the Director of Athletics.  The Director of Athletics will serve as the immediate liaison to the Booster Organizations.

Booster Organization activities may strive to achieve the following objectives:

  • To promote fan support, spirit and sportsmanship.
  • To assist the District by providing supplemental benefits and services to student-athletes.
  • To increase the opportunity for communication between parents/guardians and coaches in areas of common interest.