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Coaches Resources

Coaches Handbook

Coaches Clearances and Certification:


  • Employees:
    • Pennsylvania School Law requires that all applicants for employment in public and private schools, as well as employees of independent contractors seeking business with public and private schools, undergo background checks if they have direct contact with students. The following three background checks are required: 

      •    PA State Police Criminal History Record (Act 34)

      •    Child Abuse Clearance (Act 151)

      •    Federal Criminal History Record - FBI Report (Act 114)

    • These three updated clearances must be submitted to the HR Office at the Panorama Village building before you begin. 

    • All District employees must renew their Background Clearances every five years.

    • PDE will not permit us to continue your employment if your clearances are not updated PRIOR to the START of your season.

    • Please see this LINK for instructions

    • Clearances obtained for employment purposes are acceptable for volunteer purposes. Clearances obtained for volunteer purposes are not acceptable for employment purposes

    • Employees are required to report changes in clearance status within 72 hours of the applicable event. 

    • NEW COACHES: (both employees and volunteer) Must also complete the following certifications: Bullying, Hazing, and Inappropriate Behaviors -(one time certification)

  • Volunteers:


Mandatory Child Abuse Training: employees and volunteers


  • Employees and volunteers are required to complete a minimum of three hours of training every five years.

  • The training program can be found at: 

  • After completion of the training, the employee should submit the training certificate to the Human Resources office by mail or email @

  • Volunteers need to submit this to the VIPS office in the Panorama Building.


PA Department of Ed. Required Coaching Education (Annual Requirement) Coaches must complete a course under each heading, annually, prior to holding practice with their students. Please email or print successful certificate & send/bring to the Athletics Office

  1. NFHS Concussion In Sports


  3. (New link this year)

    1. NFHS Sudden Cardiac Arrest


    3. Concussion Training Course: (only one)

    4. Sudden Cardiac Arrest Training Course: (either one) 

  • PIAA Coaches Certification and Coursework:

    1. Coaches (volunteer or paid) have 2 years from “hire” date to complete the courses.  Thus, if you were hired in the summer of 2018, you have until the end of the summer of 2020 to complete..

    2. The courses consist of: “Coaches Principles” and “First Aid

    3. Please see the athletics office for dates of the course as well as instructions and materials

    4. You may not start your season without these courses completed