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Due Process

Due Process

The following procedure has been developed to provide due process in the event an athlete is suspended or dismissed from a team:

  • The coach, athletics director or building principal will notify the athlete and the athlete’s parent/guardian of the suspension or dismissal, its date/time of effect, and the reasons for issuing such action. This notification may take place in person or by phone call. In the event that personal contact or a phone call is not successful, notice will be delivered via certified mail.

  • The athletics director or building principal will conduct a conference, if such is necessary, with the athlete and his/her parent/guardian as soon as possible following the incident to explain the details of the suspension or dismissal.

Nothing contained in this process denies a student or parent/guardian of his/her right to appeal to the superintendent, school board, the courts, or to be represented by counsel at any stage of the process.