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Booster Club



Little Lions


 State College Area High School
Field Hockey Booster Club

Welcome to the SCFH Booster Club! Our purpose is to provide support and assistance to the State College Field Hockey program, including the varsity, junior varsity, and middle school teams during the outdoor and indoor seasons. Parents, families, alumni, and fans are invited to join the booster club by returning a completed copy of our Booster Club Membership Form. If you have any questions, please send an email to Katie Gagnon at

2024-2025 Booster Club Officers

President - Jen White,

Vice-President - Kelley Trosko,

Secretary - Marnie Kocher

Treasurer - Katie Gagnon


Committee Chairpersons

Team Apparel - Chelle Tambroni & Kelley Trosko

Team Food & Drinks - Anna Gourley & Marnie Kocher

Senior Day - Sharon Musser, Caitlyn Dare, & Jessica Dubler

Homecoming  - Dare & Musser Families

Fundraising Chair - Katie Gagnon & Jen White

Teacher Appreciation Night - Kelley Trosko & Trista Mclenehan

Picture Day - Jessica Dubler

End of the Season Banquet - OPEN

Website - Jessica Dubler

Concessions - Veronica Iacabazzo

Stick it to Cancer - Sam Sidwell

PSU Game - Marnie Kocher, Anna Gourley, & Tina Maggi

Uniforms - Rachel Revy, Veronica Iccabazzo, & Marnie Kocher

Team Camp - Jen White, Katie Gagnon, & Cailin Dare

HUDL/VEO/Film  - Eric Dare & Fred Egerer

Media Reports - Tim Miller

End of Season Banquet - Chelle Tambroni & Jen White

Additional Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Apparel (organizing the selection, ordering, and fulfillment of team clothing orders) – High School and Middle School
  • Concessions (stocking, training, scheduling)
  • Volunteer Recruitment (concessions, scorekeeping, and other scheduling)
  • Team Food (vendor selection, menu, and delivery to bus) – High School and Middle School
  • Senior Night (organizing decorations, program preparation, concessions
  • Banquet (organizing location, fund-raising, decoration, program preparation) – High School and Middle School
  • Indoor Tournament Director (planning and carrying out USAIFH coordination, registration, location, referees/trainer, volunteers, equipment, coordinating with concessions)



SCASD Athletics Booster Club Handbook

SCASD Athletics Booster Club Guidelines

SCASD Board Policy on Athletics