Addresses for JH FH Field locations
In the event you wish to transport your child to or from a game, please give your coach a SCASD Student Transportation completed form.
State College Field Hockey Middle School Address Locations
Addresses & Links for Middle School Field Hockey AWAY games
Recommend to bring lawn chairs to most fields
Susquenita High School (1:20 drive. Between schools to back of property)
Link to Susquenita School Campus & Field
309 Schoolhouse Rd., Duncannon, PA 17020-9020
Newport High School (1:10 drive. Between schools - Bring bug spray, it’s usually buggy!)
559 N. 5th St., Newport, PA 17074-8881
Line Mountain Junior/Senior High School (1:45 drive)
Link to Line Mountain FH Field
187 Line Mountain Rd, Herndon, PA 17830
Greenwood Middle School and High School (1:05 drive. Beside elementary school)
405 East Sunbury Street, Millerstown, PA 17062-9528
Selinsgrove Junior High and High School (1:15 drive. Two fields, one artificial turf field in the stadium, and one grass field behind the middle school a short walk to the stadium)
Link to Selinsgrove School Campus
500 N. Broad St., Selinsgrove, PA 17870-1665
Belleville Mennonite (:39 drive. Beside school)
4105 Front Mountain Rd, Belleville, PA 17004-8825
Forbes Road High School (1:30 drive. Behind school)
159 Redbird Dr., Waterfall, PA 16689-7137
Mifflinburg Area Middle School (1 hour drive)
100 Mabel Street
Mifflinburg, PA 17844
Shikellamy High School (1:20 drive)
600 Walnut Street, Sunbury, PA 17801-3223
East Juniata Junior High School (behind school, first one of many fields)
32944 Rt. 35 N., McAlisterville, PA 17049-8109