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Parent Transport from Away Games

Parent Request to Transport Form

It is expected that all student-athletes will use transportation provided by the school district to travel to and from athletic contests.  There are several reasons for this procedure but, foremost, are safety, security and legal liability.  The school district realizes that there are exceptions or extenuating circumstances that may be approved by the Athletic Director(s).  Therefore, all students wishing to ride home with only a parent or guardian must submit a Transportation Release Form request to the Athletic Director(s).  A request should be made not later than the day prior to the competition in which the student-athlete requests to travel home with only a parent or guardian.  Forms are available in the athletic office or on the SCASD website's athletic pages.  Parents and guardians may assume that the request has been approved.  If there are any questions or concerns from the Athletic Director(s), parents or guardians will be contacted.  Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the athletic office.