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NCAA Information for Juniors

Registering with the NCAA Clearinghouse

STEP 1: It is recommended that the student athlete registers in his/her junior year, beginning in the month of May. To register the student athlete needs to apply online at: After completing the Student Release form online and submitting it, the student must print out two Transcript Release forms.

STEP 2: The student must take these two Transcript Release forms to the North Counseling Center and request that his/her transcripts be sent to the NCAA Clearinghouse. One will be sent with a final junior transcript and one will be sent with a final senior transcript. (If the student has attended more than one high school, each high school must receive a copy of the completed Student Release form. A transcript must be sent from each high school attended.)

STEP 3: All prospective student-athletes intending to enroll in an NCAA Division I or II institution for the first time on or after August 1, 2007 must complete the NCAA Amateurism Certification questionnaire.

STEP 4: Test scores must be reported directly from either ACT or SAT. They will no longer be accepted from the high school transcript. When registering to take the SAT’s or ACT’s you should include the NCAA as one of your free choices to where to send your scores. The code for the NCAA is 9999. If you did not do this, go online for SAT scores or for ACT scores and send your scores directly to the NCAA Clearinghouse.

STEP 5: Upon completion of the junior year, the final junior transcript will be sent to the Clearinghouse. The student will receive an initial clearing statement from the Clearinghouse in the fall of the student’s senior year.

STEP 6: After graduation, the student’s final senior transcript with the exact date of graduation will be sent to the Clearinghouse from the high school. The student will then receive a final clearing statement from the Clearinghouse.

To complete the registration forms, the high school CEEB code is required. Our high school CEEB CODE is: 394685

Clearinghouse Customer Services:

 NCAA Clearinghouse

301 Act Dr.

 Box 4043

 Iowa City, IA 52243-4043

Service hours: 9am —  4pm Eastern Time

Toll Free: 877-262-1492