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2025 Tryout Information

Tryout Information  2025 Dates:  March 5-7 4-6 PM, Saturday March 8  8-11 AM
WE will be outside if weather allows. Dress accordingly.  Please report to HS courts on Prospect Ave. unless directed elsewhere!
In case of rain, snow, wet courts or cold temperatures, please report to the old gym in the NHS 

Tennis Team Time Commitment
Anyone trying out for the Boys' Tennis Team is required to commit at least 1.5- 2.5 hours a day to practice and/or matches from early March to late May(practices get longer toward the end of the season as weather improves and we prepare for District and State competition).  JV players should plan on practices and matches thru late April or early May. On certain occasions, you will be required to attend multiple-hour events on the weekends.  If your spring schedule does not allow for you to commit this much time to tennis, then you may have to either adjust your schedule or consider trying out for tennis another year when you have more time.

Sample characteristics of players who have made the team in the past
Over the last few years the State College Boys' Tennis Team has been a very competitive squad at both the district level and the state level.  Because the combined Varsity and Junior Varsity team may be limited to 14-30 players and most of those players are very experienced, tryouts can be competitive. In years past, most of the players who have made the Varsity team have the following characteristics in common:

Experience: Most players have been playing tennis consistently for at least 3 years.

Regularity: Many players play at least 2 times per week (top players 4-7 times per week) during the summer and about half as much during the winter.

Coaching/Instruction (junior development programs or private lessons): About 50% of all players are regularly involved in junior development programs during the off-season. Most of the top players receive some form of coaching/instruction weekly or biweekly during the off-season.

Competitive play: Most of the players on the lower portion of the roster do not play USTA tournaments. Most of the top players compete in USTA Middle States tournaments regularly.

Suggestions to those players who are trying out for the team for the first time:

  • Start preparing as early as possible (don't wait until the last minute). In the above section there is information about the habits of players who have made the team in years past. You should begin to adopt some of those habits now. Get involved in junior development and/or private/small group lessons.
  • Play as much as possible when the weather is good.
  • If possible,play matches against other players that are at or above your ability level. There is no substitute for match play.
  • Show up to tryouts in good physical condition (we will do some conditioning during tryouts).
  • Bring a positive attitude to tryouts.

 Tryout Process FAQs
Q: How many people are usually on the team?
A: 14-35 total (JV and Varsity) We will keep more players if needed.

Rationale:  So that coaches can provide team members with ample individual attention.

Q: How will I be evaluated?

  • Skills Test conducted and evaluated by coaches: For any candidate that was not on the team last year
  • Challenge Match Results - Challenge matches are matches that you will play against other players (if you’re still in contention after the skills test).  The results of these matches are generally used as the primary selection criterion at this stage in tryouts. Depending on weather and time constraints, you may play various play formats (pro-sets, best of three, etc…
  • Attitude and Effort - Coaches like to see positive attitudes and lots of effort
  • Potential  -  Do you exhibit athletic qualities that will lead to rapid improvement?
Although all of these criteria will be used, the skills test and challenge match results are generally considered the most critical.   As mentioned above, your grade (9th,10th, etc…) is an important selection criterion. Upperclassmen and  freshman (on occasion) may be cut based only on their skills test performance and attitude if their skills are clearly at the very beginning stages of tennis development. Challenge matches will not be the sole factor when determining the athletes who will make the team.

Q: What is the attendance policy?
 A: Attendance on the first two days of try-outs is mandatory.  Even if your paper work and clearance is incomplete, players must come to try-outs to watch, learn and listen.  Players missing more than 2 try-out sessions or 2 practices(once the team is selected) without prior approval may be dismissed from the team. 

What to bring to Tryouts & Challenge Matches

During spring tennis, the weather can do just about anything. Please be prepared for the conditions.  In addition to the items that you would normally bring, the below items are highly recommended once challenge matches begin:

Tennis Equipment
  • At least two tennis rackets
  • DO NOT bring tennis balls

Clothing (Dress in layers / synthetic clothing is recommended but not required)
**While the skills tests and evaluations will be inside, Challenge Matches will most likely be played outdoors**
  • Sweatpants and sweatshirt
  • Warm jacket (please bring)
  • Extra T-shirts and socks
  • Knit hat or hood
  • Long sleeve t-shirt
  • Vest
Food and Drink
  • Energy bars, fruit, bagels, etc.
  • One large water bottle.  The water fountain is not turned on at this time of year
Cell phone (to call home if you finish your matches early or will finish late)