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Booster Club


YOUR 2023 Booster Club Executive Board:

President: Bob Sandow

Treasurer/Secretary: Geoffrey Field


State College Boys’ Tennis Booster Club General Information

For new families and team members who have not been previously involved in Varsity and Jr. Varsity level high school athletics, welcome! We need your support to make our students' tennis team experience a memorable one. 

Why a Booster Club?

The State College Area school district offers a vibrant athletics program that is consistent with its educational philosophy. But there are things related to making the sports team experience truly special that a Booster Club can offer.
Who is in the Booster Club?

Traditionally, all families of team players join the club by paying club dues at the beginning of the season. Others who are interested in supporting the Boys Tennis Team are encouraged to join as well.
Our Tennis Club Booster objectives are:
  • to provide support and assistance to the State College Boys’ Tennis program and coaches
  • to promote fan support, spirit, sportsmanship and team unity
  • to enhance the benefits to the State College Boys’ Tennis Team beyond what the school district is able to offer
How do we do this?
  • We subsidize indoor off-season practice court time at the PSU tennis center for current and potential team members
  • We organize community and team-unity building events such as:
    1) State College Boys’ Tennis Invitational
    2) Senior night celebration
    3) End of year banquet
    4) Round robin tournament
  • We provide the opportunity to purchase additional tennis team clothing.
  • We provide awards to recognize outstanding performance.
  • We maintain a team Facebook page during the season for family and friends.
  • We provide nutritious snacks and drinks for home meets and away matches.
  • We provide some support for team travel.
How do we support our activities?
  • Annual membership dues
  • Fundraisers
  • Volunteer efforts of our members

Coach Borden and our State High Athletics Director have lined up an incredible season – more demanding than ever, and one that will give our players an amazing opportunity to improve their tennis and game-playing skills. As family members, we can do our part to support this year’s team. We hope you will join the Booster Club and consider volunteering. We have experienced members who will show you how to help!

To join the State College Boys’ Tennis Booster Club,
contact a Booster officer.